Born in Nagasaki in 1956, Suehiro Maruo made his debut into the world of erotic magazines with a short story, written in 1980 for the manga series “Ribon no Kishi”. His first book dates back to 1982: titled “Barairo no Kaibutsu”, it was published by Seirinkogeisha, an acclaimed editor when it comes to alternative manga.
Since then, Maruo achieved success within both general public and international critics, putting his art at the service of comics, music and cinema. The release of the Italian version of “Midori” and “Putrescent Night”, published by Coconino Press in the early 2000s, marked a watershed in the history of manga in Italy, as he portrayed to his readers an unusual and diverse extreme world.
His success was followed up by masterpieces such as “The Smile of a Vampire” and many sophisticated works, including “The Caterpillar” and “The Strange Tale of Panorama island”, inspired by the novels by the author Edogawa Ranpo, known as the Japanase Edgar Allan Poe.
Maruo's latest work, “Tomino the Damned”, is a four-volume manga series that chronicles the epic tale of a bunch of freaks, on the run from a swirl of decadence and violence that imprisoned them, depicting an alternative 1930s Japanese background.
Suehiro Maruo, along with Coconino Press, will be one of the guests of this year's edition of Lucca Comics & Games.
(Translated by S.S.M.L. Pisa)